A Look into the Renaissance and Late Middle Ages

Impact on Education: From the Medieval Sourcebook, Petrus Paulus Vergerius talks about the impact of education in the 1400’s. He says that education is a way for people to practice virtues and gain wisdom. He, among many others, believes that education is of “highest importance”. Vergerius says, “…from infancy this aim, this effort, should constantly be kept alive in growing minds”. His efforts to point out infancy are important to acknowledge because he does not believe that wisdom can be obtained in our later years unless we have started obtaining wisdom in the early years. This is a unique stand point of education that rings true. Education is one of the most important privileges in life because it does not just teach knowledge; it teaches virtues and values that a person should carry throughout life.

Magna Carta: The Magna Carta is a charter of rights created in the late Middle Ages on June 15, 1215. It was drafted to make peace between the King and a group of rebel barons. A source from Fordham University states, “About two-thirds of the clauses of the Magna Carta of 1215 are concerned with matters such as these, and with the misuse of their powers by royal officials.”. The matters spoken of are the implementation of the promise to protect the rights of churches and the barons from illegal imprisonment, limit feudal payments to the royals, and the entitlement to a speedy trial. Although the Magna Carta’s promises were not always kept, it remained as a negotiation for the barons in 1215.  

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